A Playlist for The Sunflower House
I used dozens of pieces of music to write The Sunflower House, since music is a huge part of my creative process. Music always get the words flowing because it helps me get into character.
I used dozens of pieces of music to write The Sunflower House, since music is a huge part of my creative process. Music always get the words flowing because it helps me get into character.
The dream of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed ‘master race’ didn’t originate with Adolf Hitler. This idea was implemented in the United States decades before Hitler rose to power by American eugenicists, who sterilized tens of thousands of Americans through the 1970s, barred the marriage of […]
What’s your muse? For me, it’s always been music. Music is the most reliable way to tap into the emotions I need to write honestly.
When it comes to crafting voice, emotion is even more important than technique. You have to be in touch with your MC’s joy and pain.
Taking a deep dive into research always helps me craft an authentic voice for my characters, because it gives them the freedom to move through a world in full color.
Rejection is often uncomfortable, but if you’re comfortable you’re probably not growing. Feedback, even when it feels brutal, is essential to improve.
Are you a Plotter or a Pantser or somewhere in between? Turns out this devoted Pantser might actually be–gasp–a Plantser!
You may have heard November is NaNoWriMo month. It’s a stressful, magical time, because you can complete a novel by writing 1,667 words each day, or 50,000 words in a month. For the sake of both productivity and sanity, you must learn to ignore your […]
The dreaded writer’s block. Most writers experience it at least once, and when it hits it’s deadly. Right now, I’m dealing with a case of editor’s block. To make my deadline, I promised to edit at least ten pages of my MS each day. That’s […]