On NaNoWriMo Writing Blocks

You may have heard November is NaNoWriMo month. It’s a stressful, magical time, because you can complete a novel by writing 1,667 words each day, or 50,000 words in a month. For the sake of both productivity and sanity, you must learn to ignore your […]

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Why Victim-Blaming Hurts Us All

When the Harvey Weinstein allegations surfaced earlier this month, it was as if a dam had burst. I watched the news carefully for days, wondering if interest in the story would wane. Our society has a short attention span. Additional victims have come forward since […]

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Kicking Fear to the Curb

This blog isn’t about the gun debate, although it mentions guns. This blog is about fear. Fear is eating away at the foundation of our lives. We need to start kicking it to the curb instead of bowing to it. We woke to a nightmare […]

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Look for the Helpers

My first childhood crush was Fred Rogers. That’s right, Mr. Rogers of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.  “Bring him back,” I’d beg my mother, once his face faded from the television screen. His gentleness and decency appealed to me, along with millions of other children. Almost fifty years […]

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Inspiration (No more excuses)

Singer-songwriter Mandy Harvey lost her hearing at eighteen, but that doesn’t keep her from singing. Refusing to give up, Mandy found her way back to performing with muscle memory and by using visual tuners and trusting her pitch. She continues to write and sing even […]

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A lot can happen in a year

Writers are always working on a dozen things at once, and usually toward some sort of deadline. First drafts. (And seconds, and thirds, and fourths.) Websites. Conferences. Blogs. Contest entries. Social media. Queries. Submissions. Revisions. We rarely stop long enough to take stock of where […]

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Never give up: How I found my agent

Last April, I learned valuable pitch conference lessons at the Desert Dreams Writer’s Conference in Phoenix. I left that conference excited to revise my manuscript. My goal was to query as many agents and editors as possible. I thought my revisions would take two or three months. They […]

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